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Conversion Tracking Audit & Set Up

Conversion Tracking Audit & Setup

High-quality data is the secret weapon of conversion optimization, and conversion tracking is more important and more complicated than ever.

Are you tracking conversions properly?

Conversion Tracking Is More Important & More Complicated Than Ever

If you’re unsure if your campaigns are actually generating leads and sales, or if you don’t know how to attribute them, you’re not alone.

Many businesses rely on guesswork and incomplete data, wasting budget on tactics that don’t deliver.

High-quality data is the secret weapon of conversion optimization and the best way to stay ahead of the competition. It has always been challenging to gather high-quality conversion data, and with recent changes to Third-Party Cookies and new Privacy Regulations, it’s now harder than ever.

With inaccurate data, optimizing your campaigns becomes a guessing game.

What affects Conversion Tracking?

  • Ad Blockers – They’re more popular than ever and prevent tags from firing, and even block entire scripts and tracking pixels.
  • Browser limitations: Most browsers already block third-party cookies and make retargeting challenging.
  • Attribution issues: Proper attribution is challenging
  • Privacy regulations and lack of user consent: can lead to significant gaps in data gathering and conversion tracking.

Improve Conversion Tracking Beyond The Basics

Tracking a lead or purchase is great, but there are many ways in which data can be further improved. Here’s how we can help:

Track Microconversions

  • Provide insights into your audience’s engagement
  • Help optimize campaigns that don’t reach the Primary conversion threshold

Enhanced Conversions

  • Recover conversions that otherwise wouldn’t have been measured
  • Improve bidding optimization with better data and attribution
  • Use First-Party data to fill in the gaps
  • Track Cart Data and New vs. Returning Users

Offline Conversion Tracking

  • Invaluable for B2B or businesses with long sales cycles
  • Bid more on high-value clients and see how prospects move through the sales funnel

Server-Side Tagging

  • Prevent Data Loss due to client-side issues such as ad-blockers, cookie restrictions, browser limitations
  • Reduce the number of requests the page creates
  • Faster page load times and better UX
  • More control over the data you send

Why You Need A Conversion Tracking Audit

Improper Conversion Tracking is one of the main issues we find in 9 out of 10 Google Ads accounts. In some cases, the values reported are just too good to be true. In other cases, no values are being reported at all, or conversion tracking isn’t set up at all.

But, in all cases, there’s always something to improve.

Are you dealing with Conversion Tracking Issues?

  • No Conversion Value Reported
  • Double or Triple Counted Conversions
  • Bad Tag Implementations
  • Bad Consent Mode Implementation
  • Bad Triggers leading to irrelevant conversions.
  • Multiple Pixels / Conversion Codes installed
  • Plugin Conflicts
  • Inaccurate Data that makes no sense

Work With Us

If you feel that your conversion data is inaccurate, or if Meta or Google are claiming too many or too few conversions, then we can work together. We can help you properly set up conversion tracking, paving the way towards good data and good campaign optimization.

What does the process look like?

Initial Call

We’ll get to know your business, talk about your tracking needs, and assess the work that needs to be done.


We will need access to your accounts, including but not limited to: Website backend, Google Ads, Analytics, Tag Manager, Meta Business Suite.

Conversion Tracking Audit

During this part, we will figure out how conversions are currently set up, what is working or broken, and what’s missing.

Code Cleanup

Cleaning up old codes before installing new, robust conversion tracking. Client developer help might be needed.

Conversion Tracking Setup

Setting up the new tags per the discussed goals.

Review & Monitoring

Review of the work done and monitoring of events to ensure everything is working properly.

Why Work With Us?

  • We set up everything in Google Tag Manager. Easy to manage, upgrade, and change.
  • We follow best practices in Conversion Tracking
  • 12+ Years of Experience in PPC
  • Certified in Advanced Conversion Tracking
  • Certified in Server-Side Tagging


A pricing table assists users in selecting a suitable plan by simply and clearly differentiating product/service features and prices. Use this as supporting text for your plans.



Tag Manager Setup

Google Analytics 4 Setup

One Ad Platform

Standard Event Tracking

Enhanced Conversion Tracking



Tag Manager Setup

Google Analytics 4 Setup

Multiple Ad Platforms

Standard Event Tracking

Enhanced Conversions

Offline Conversion Imports

Server-side tagging


GTM Server Container Setup

Google Cloud-Run Setup

Subdomain Setup

Standard Event Tracking

Enhanced Conversions

Offline Conversion Imports